Tuesday, September 22, 2009


You may have noticed that there was no comic last week. This may have saddened you, and for that I apologize. Then again, maybe you didn't even notice and are, even now, outraged to the point of delirium. For that, I also apologize. Or maybe, just maybe, you neither noticed nor cared and are here by some odd chance, wondering how you've stumbled across my little place in the information tubes and what on earth is going on. For that, there is no apology. Sorry.

In any case, these scenarios don't really change anything. There was still no comic last week.

That is because, for several reasons, I've decided to take a hiatus from the comics themselves and put more energy into other things, such as building an actual website for them. Improving the quality of the artwork. Rehashing the story into more cohesive plot lines. Investing in better equipment. Making my Halloween costume.

Er ... well ... yes.

That too.

But before you really "freak out," remember that I said hiatus! Not "the end" or "never again" or "good-bye, cruel world..." disEnchanted will be back, better than ever, sometime around the first of the year. I know that sounds like a long time, but ... I have quite an extensive to do list!

On that note, I'm going to take the opportunity to say that the last thirteen weeks have been fun and very informative! I've learned a lot, and I plan on using that knowledge to make some pretty dramatic improvements. Improvements that will benefit the both of us, I think! If you have any comments, encouragements, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me. As a matter of fact, I'd love to hear from you! Just follow the link on the right to my profile, and there you will find my e-mail address. Or, if that's too formal, follow the other link over there to my Twitter page! Violá!

And so, without further ado, I say adieu! Until we meet again...

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